Before and After - Liposuction

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Experience the Confidence-Boosting Results of Liposuction Surgery

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Women who don’t feel quite comfortable in their bodies and are looking for a way to feel completely new can find what they’re looking for with New You Med Spa in Gig Harbor, WA. Our luxurious spa, led by Dr. Perez, MD, is dedicated to helping you launch into a personal transformation so you can emerge as a brand new woman with a whole new lease on life.

New You Med Spa provides the life-changing physical changes clients seek to achieve their long-term body goals. Learn more about the before and after tummy tuck experience and what you can expect from your consultation and appointment with our Washington beauty med spa.


What is Liposuction Treatment?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits from various areas of the body. This procedure involves utilizing specialized techniques to target specific areas that are popular for having unwanted excess fat, including the abdomen, thighs, hips, and underarms; this process is all in an effort to reshape and contour the body. Liposuction in Tacoma from New You can effectively address stubborn areas of localized fat that do not respond to diet and exercise efforts, helping clients achieve a more sculpted and toned appearance.

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Tummy Tuck and Lipo: What’s the Difference?

While both liposuction and tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty surgery) can help improve the appearance of the abdomen, they are two distinct procedures that target different concerns

Liposuction is designed to create a slimmer and more toned appearance. On the other hand, a tummy tuck not only removes excess fat but also addresses loose or sagging skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have undergone significant weight loss or have gone through pregnancy and are left with excess skin and weakened muscles in the abdominal area.

Common Concerns Liposuction Can Address

  • Resistant Fat: Women who cannot lose stubborn fat even with consistent healthy eating and exercise can reap the rewards of liposuction or tummy tuck surgery.

  • Unflattering or Unwanted Body Shape: If you’re not feeling confident in the overall shape of your body, New You Med Spa can help! Feel comfortable in your own skin with our Washington tummy tuck and lipo, and achieve a more proportionate and balanced figure.

It's important to remember this procedure is particularly beneficial for patients who are in overall good health, have stable body weight, and are just looking to make a few aesthetic changes. Contact our spa for Seattle underarm liposuction and other tummy tuck procedures.


Possible Downsides of Liposuction

While liposuction can be an effective and popular procedure for fat removal, it is important to be aware of the potential downsides. Like any surgical procedure, liposuction carries risks, including possible infections, bleeding, fluid accumulation, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

Patients may also experience temporary side effects such as:

  • Bruising

  • Swelling

  • Numbness

  • Discomfort

It is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon like Dr. Perez to thoroughly understand the individual risks and benefits based on your specific circumstances. It’s also crucial to have realistic expectations and to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Proper aftercare and adherence to post-operative instructions are vital for a successful and safe recovery.


Recovery Time: What to Expect from New You Med Spa

The tummy tuck and lipo recovery time may vary from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the procedure and individual factors.

Generally, however, it is advisable to plan for a few days off work or daily activities to ensure a smooth healing process. Dr. Perez and our team will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you have a comfortable and successful recovery. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to promote healing and achieve the best possible results. During the recovery period, it is common to experience some swelling and bruising, but these effects will gradually subside, revealing the final results of the procedure.

What to Know Before Lipo or Tummy Tuck Surgery

Before considering any abdominoplasty surgery at our Washington med spa, it is essential to have realistic expectations and understand the limitations of the procedure. Liposuction is most effective for individuals who are in overall good health and have specific areas of localized fat that they wish to target. It is not a solution for obesity or weight loss.

During your consultation with New You Med Spa, we’ll assess your candidacy and ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure, its potential outcomes, and any possible risks.

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Take the First Step Toward Liposuction

At New You, the first step to receiving liposuction in Tacoma and around the Greater Seattle area is to schedule a consultation. Dr. Perez will evaluate your individual needs, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you. We are committed to providing personalized care and ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure, expected outcomes, and any associated costs. Our dedicated beauty med spa team will guide you through every step of the process.


Choose New You for a Transformative Experience

At New You, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and expertise throughout your liposuction journey. With our luxurious facilities, experienced staff, and Dr. Perez's expertise, we are committed to helping you achieve the body you desire. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a new you.

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